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Episode 74: Scaling Up your Family Business with Jonathan Goldhill

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Episode 74: Scaling Up your Family Business with Jonathan Goldhill TNCFB

Our guest today is Jonathan Goldhill. Following the sale of his family’s men’s apparel manufacturing company started by his great-grandfather, Jonathan formed his own consulting and coaching business. He helps business owners and leaders define and find their version of freedom by guiding owners through 1-on-1, peer group, group coaching and team coaching programs.

In this episode of Family Business Today, you will learn:

  • Seven things a family business owner must get right to grow their family business

  • What is vivid vision and how is it related to predictable income for a family business?

  • What role a coach or facilitator plays in family business succession or generational transition?

  • What makes succession planning controversial in a family business?

  • And more…

Jonathan is the author of Disruptive Successor: A Guide to Driving Growth in Your Family Business and host of the podcast: Disruptive Successor Show.

Copies of his book are available at www.disruptivesuccessor.com. To learn more about Jonathan Goldhill visit his website at www.the goldhillgroup.com.

 At the Tennessee Center for Family Business our passion is to help business owners create a positive environment in which their family THRIVES, their business performs and working together they create a lasting family legacy. To learn more about the Tennessee Center for Family Business visit www.tncfb.com.

If you are considering a transition in your family business contact us today for a FREE  Transition Assessment (follow link) and receive a one-on-one review of your business transition preparedness with a family business consultant. (a $299 value)

Until next time, There’s No Business Like a Family Business…. We Know!