If the founder or other key leadership position decides to retire, unexpectedly dies or departs the business, do you have a plan in place for a smooth transition in ownership, leadership and management responsibilities?
Does tension permeate your workplace or family life? Has money become more important than family and business relationships?
Do you practice open communications in which family members have a safe way to express their needs and concerns?
Is either your family or your business undergoing dramatic change?
Have you gone beyond the “Someday this Will all be Yours” in planning for and executing an ownership or leadership change?
Does your family business have a clearly defined vision for the future of your business and an action plan on how to get there?
Is your business facing operational or financial challenges? Has governance or the lack of governance affected business performance?
Do family issues creep into the family business affecting your ability to lead? Do you see the business as a way to solve family issues?
Do you have a business plan in place to sell or finance a change in ownership to the next generation of your family business?
Do you need a confidential, zero-biased, and experienced trusted adviser for your family business? Do you want to become a more effective leader for your family and your business?